

Parco dei Cappuccini (Cappuccini park)

Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 23 | 39100 Bolzano

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A fusion of nature
and bodily expression

Located in front of the Teatro Comunale, the hub of the festival, Cappuccini park lies next to the sixteenth-to-seventeenth-century convent of the same name and offers an unexpected green oasis in the centre of Bolzano. It boasts views that span buildings both historical and modern, the Gothic cathedral’s bell tower, and the surrounding mountains. The park has long been one of Festival Bolzano Danza’s most-visited locations – because of its proximity to the municipal theatre – and unconventional performance spaces. The wide spaces are well-suited to engaging interactive performances including vibrant DJ sets, video screenings or site-specific projects where nature and bodily expression combine. This flexibility constantly lends new purpose to this multi-use public space, a place where one can rest or walk, sit in meditative thought or meet a friend, participate in events or enjoy art installations.
